Thursday, March 12, 2020

God's Call

For the past few weeks at Chestnut Mound, I have been preaching a series of sermons on God's Call. Whether we realize it or not, God is calling each one of us. Each of us have a purpose given to us by God. However, it is our decision whether or not we will answer His call. In this week's blog article, I want to offer you some practical advice on carrying out and answering your calling.

In Matthew 25, we are told of the Parable of the Talents. A "talent" as it relates to the parable is a unit of weight that totals around eighty pounds. As a unit of currency, it was worth 6,000 denarii. In verses 14-30, Jesus uses talents to represent our personal abilities. What do we do with our talents? Let's look at what happened here in this parable. We have a man (God) who calls and gives His servants (Christians) talents according to their own unique abilities. Each servant handles their talents in a unique way. One trades the five he was given for five new completely different ones, one was able to acquire two additional ones to add to the two he already had, and then the third servant who had received one, took his and buried it. We see that two of the three servants took their talents and used them for good and made them profitable for the man (God). The third servant hoarded his talent up, and simply did not use it at all.

When we are given talents from God today, we shouldn't "hoard" them. What if a preacher decided to hoard his talent for teaching the Gospel? Consider Paul, what would have happened if God hadn't called him to become perhaps the greatest gospel preacher that has ever lived, who would have written all the letters that we see throughout the New Testament? What if Paul had not answered the call?

God calls everyone into service in His Kingdom for a specific purpose. However, it is our responsibility whether or not to utilize our God given talents. If we choose to hoard up our talents, then we run the risk of someone possibly losing their soul or even losing our own soul. The Parable of the Talents teaches us that when God calls us to do something, then we better do it, and we also ought to be good stewards of what He has called us to do. Being a good steward means using the talents, or other blessings we've been given to glorify God and also never forgetting that they indeed come from Him.

What would you do if your phone rang and God was calling? Of course this would never happen, but what would your response be? If He told you to drop whatever you were doing and do what He says, would you do it? God calls everyone through His Word, which just so happens to be the Bible. He is not a "respecter of persons" (Romans 2:11). It's your answer to the call that will be the difference between Heaven or Hell. You may only have one chance, make the most of it!!

In Him,

Carver Moore

We would be honored for you to join us for worship at the Chestnut Mound church of Christ.
Our service times are as follows:
Sunday Morning Bible study: 10 am
Sunday morning worship: 11 am
Sunday evening worship: 5 pm

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